25 Nov 2017
cat: Angular 2+

Electron – Angular 4 on Desktop

Electron is a framework for building cross-platform desktop applications using web technologies using Chromium and Node JS. In this tutorial we will turn an Angular 4 web application into a desktop application.
14 Nov 2017
cat: Angular 2+

Angular 4 – Rendering Templates using ViewContainerRef

There times where we want our component to render custom template because we want it to be more dynamic just like most open-source libraries that want to cover more use cases as possible. Here is an example. In this post we will be finishing the responsive table from the last blog post. We will also discuss what is the purpose of #template and let-book keywords and the ViewContainerRef.
14 Nov 2017
cat: Angular 2+

Angular 4 – UI Component using ContentChildren

In creating data driven web applications, we often write the same type of HTML and CSS over and over again throughout the application like a Table or a form group if you are using bootstrap. So we sometimes use themes that provide nice looking UI elements then we can just copy and paste the HTML codes. We end up with a bunch of duplicate HTML codes but we can create a reusable component or directive in Angular to render the HTML codes we want